Low Dice - LD 0303
1. Grind
2. When She's Good She's Good (When She's Bad She's Better)
3. Six Million Dollar Man*
4. She's Gone
5. Dead Drunk And Wasted
6. Dead Dog
7. I Do
8. My Secret*
9. Cherry Cherry
10. Get In The Ring*
11.Walk It Like Ya Talk It
The Band: P.Laine
- Ld Vox, Keys, Guitar, B.Ravel - Guitar, Bass, Keys, Vox, S.West - Drums
& Percussion.
Special guest appearances by: Andy Timmons - Ld Guitar/Vox, Tony Bruno
- Ld Guitar/Keys, Lance Quinn - Keys.
All songs written by B.Ravel/S.West except * written by P.Laine and
written by Ravel/West/Laine
Recorded in New York City and Vancouver, B.C -Summer'99.
Mixed by Bruno Ravel -Summer'99.
Produced by Danger Danger